Hacienda sauces are available in the following two varieties: an easily pourable sauce for tacos and a firm salsa with bits of tomato and vegetables that is suitable as a dip sauce or as a basis for fajitas and burritos.
Both varieties have a lovely spicy taste. Of course, only the very best tomatoes, hot peppers and spices are used for these sauces.
Enjoy the traditional taste of Hacienda
Hacienda Sauce Picante Hot
Article number: 35019
Units per case: 12 x 200 g
Shelf life: 18 months
Pallet layer x height: 18 x 6
Hacienda Taco Sauce Hot
Article number: 35011
Units per case: 12 x 200 g
Shelf life: 18 months
Pallet layer x height: 18 x 6